We’re in a new year, so let’s see which were the most popular blogs 2022 on the site. There’s only one post the same as the most popular blogs in 2021. The others are completely different. I’ve also compiled a list of least read blogs. So without further ado here are the best food blogs of 2022.
Most Popular Blogs 2022

The most popular blog last year was a restaurant review, namely Review: Café Winkel 43, The Best Apple Pie. I published the post in May and it has done well since then.
The other most read blogs are all published in 2021. The second most read blog in 2022 was the fourth most read blog in 2021. Traditional Dutch Food: Split Pea Soup or erwtensoep is moving up the ladder. It was published in March of 2021. It’s all about this popular traditional dish.
Third place is for another traditional Dutch food blog, the series is fairly popular. It’s the first written in the series, published back in February 2021, Traditional Dutch Food: the Kroket. Which is I think my favorite of all the traditional dishes we have in the Netherlands.
Fourth is Creamy Gnocchi Recipe with Dolcelatte, Figs and Hazelnuts, which is a delicious comfort food recipe which was published in September 2021. Fifth is also a recipe, Kerststol: A Traditional Dutch Christmas Food. Which was published in December 2021 and is a delicious seasonal bread.
Most Popular Blogs Published in 2022
So which blogs that I wrote and published in 2022 were popular, since in the list above is only one from 2022, the others are all from 2021.
The most popular blog in 2022, Review: Café Winkel 43, The Best Apple Pie was published in May of 2022. It’s a restaurant in Amsterdam which has really delicious apple pie.

The second most popular of the ones published in 2022, is again one in the traditional Dutch food series. Traditional Dutch Food: Frikandel was published in July. The blog explains all about this most popular snack in the Netherlands.

Third is a product explanation blog, Pasteurized Eggs vs Unpasteurized: What’s the Difference?. It was published in May and I dive deep into the subject.
Fourth is a recipe I published in August. Sajoer Beans: A Perfect Side Dish is a delicious recipe with green beans which are spicy.
Fifth is another traditional Dutch food blog. This time Traditional Dutch Food: Vla, all about a delicious Dutch dessert. I published it in May.
Least Visited Blogs

Which blogs attracted the least visitors last year? The least 5 visited are two recipe blogs, two of the weekly series of food photos and one overview blog. The recipe blogs are White Orange Chocolate Cookies and The Perfect Crispy Potato Wedges, the first was published in November 2020 and is the first blog published on Cosette is Cookin’. The second one was published in July of 2022. Both are delicious recipes, but apparently don’t appeal to readers.
The overview blog is Cookies for sale on Cosette is Cookin’, which was published in February 2021. It actually has the wrong title, it should be Christmas cookies 2020. The last two are Week 6 2021 in Food Photos and Week 47 2022 in Food Photos. The fist was published in September 2021, the last in November 2022.
So That Are the Most Popular Blogs 2022
And that’s a wrap, I hope you’ve enjoyed these blogs just as much as others did last year! Curious to which posts were the most popular in 2023? Read it here.