When making pizza, homemade dough, gives the best result. But what is the best pizza dough for homemade pizza? Over the years I’ve tested several different recipes to prepare pizza with. So here’s my pizza dough recipe comparison. I’ll compare the 3 pizza dough recipes I’ve used the most over the years. There are other recipe comparisons on the blog, check out Testing Different Kruidnoten Recipes and Testing Different Mayonnaises.
What Makes the Best Pizza Dough for Homemade Pizza
A good pizza dough turns into a crust that doesn’t get soggy, but is crispy. The crust is not raw anymore anywhere and the rim is a bit harder that the middle of the pizza. The pizza crust is not dry or tasteless, but also doesn’t overpower the ingredients on it.
A good pizza dough recipe requires only 5 to 6 ingredients, which you’ll likely will have in your pantry.
I will be discussing all 3 recipes below, but all 3 are good and I have used them numerous times the last 8 years or so.
When you’re wondering how do I make homemade pizza dough? Well mix the dry ingredients. Then add the wet ingredients and mix with a knife until the dough comes together. Then place it on a floured surface and knead the dough until it’s not sticky anymore, but a bit elastic.
Basic Pizza Dough Recipe
The basic pizza dough recipe is from the cookbook 1 deeg, 100 pizza’s (1 dough, 100 pizza’s) from Rachel Carter. I got the cookbook from a friend about 8 years ago and have used this pizza dough countless times since. It has 5 ingredients, which I always have at home.
The 5 ingredients are flour, dried yeast, salt, lukewarm water and olive oil. The recipe can be used to make one large square pizza crust, two round pizza crust or 4 small round pizza crusts. The recipe is used as a base to prepare all 100 pizza recipes in the cookbook. One of those pizza’s is Pizza with Duck and Plum Sauce. The pizza crust tasted good, each and every time I’ve used it.
Pizza Crust
The pizza crust recipe is from the cookbook Pizza’s en Tosti’s (Pizza’s and Melts) from Anne Wilson. I’ve already prepared the recipe several times over the years. I bought this book I think over 20 years ago. The recipes uses 6 ingredients, which I all have at home. There are two variations on this pizza dough, namely with whole wheat flour or with corn flour.
The 6 ingredients are yeast, salt, sugar, warm water, flour and olive oil. The recipe is enough for 1 thick round crust or 2 thin round crusts. The dough makes a good crust. Although it’s a bit of a sticky dough. What is convenient with this dough is that there’s no rising time needed. You can roll out the dough and top it immediately.
Homemade Pizza Dough
The third recipe, homemade pizza dough, is from the cookbook Zoete pizza’s (sweet pizza’s) from Lene Knudsen. I’ve bought the book about 5 to 6 years ago. I’ve used it several times since then and always with a good result. The recipe has 6 ingredients, which I again all have at home.
The ingredients are lukewarm water, dried or fresh yeast, flour, cane sugar, salt and olive oil. The recipe is enough for 2 large round crusts. It can be kneaded in the food processor or by hand. I always knead it by hand. The dough turns into a delicious dough. It’s the base for all the pizza recipes in the cookbook.
And the Winner Is…
Although I love all 3 recipes and use them regularly, my go to recipe is the basic pizza dough recipe from the cookbook 1 deeg, 100 pizza’s. It’s my favorite since it actually always has a good result. It’s not sticky and the crust is always just good.
So That’s My Best Pizza Dough for Homemade Pizza
Three good recipes, which all 3 can become your go to recipe.